May 11, 2014


This post is about love. Again.

The past couple years I have learned a lot about the different kinds of love. I remember when my brother passed away and I wondered why my brother's wife got to decide a lot of things, when she only lived with him for 2 years but we had lived with Joe for 20. Being so upset my mom told me that their love was a lot different then any kind of love we could have given Joe. I understood a little more the love between husband and wife.

Now don't get me wrong I have had my fair share of "romantic interests", but the feeling you get when you give your heart, your all to someone, it isn't like any feeling, or so I have heard. I think I have felt feelings to that effect, more so recently then any other time in my life.

The phrase "I love you" is very interesting, it has become more prevalent in the world (at least the people I associate with). I say this phrase to many people. I remember growing up having people comment on the fact that I would tell that to many people, and I remember thinking...well isn't that a good thing? I thought we were suppose to love everyone that. Well once I started actually falling in love, not just loving them as a person, I felt sort of bad saying it so often, so I tried to slow it down and wouldn't tell as many people I loved them. Not one of my best ideas. I have since broken that habit and now am very happy telling everyone I love them. The people who love me back, truly, will know why I say what I say. And will know the type of love I mean for them. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and I asked him if it was alright if I said I love you to him and he said that love can be expressed many different ways, mine are verbally and I say it in a way that the recipient of my affection should know how I mean this meaningful phrase.

I dated a guy who knows when I love him and when I am annoyed. He is the best at determining everything about me. He reads me like a book, but honestly he is the best guy I ever dated. I learn about love from him, that I didn't have to like someone to love them, that I really could be loved unconditionally, and love someone unconditionally. In the movie, Moulin Rouge, I believe the best quote ever written was said in that movie: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return". This quote has been my theme my whole life. I am very grateful to that boy I dated. I am still learning about love from him. That it is NOT by any means easy, but that makes it much more worth our time and energy when it is hard.

I watched a dumb chick flick a couple days ago with my cousin, who has a very similar relationship with her husband that I do with David, and there was a line in the movie, these two girls are arguing about love and it goes like this: "Hailey: And I know there's a reason why everybody wants it so much. Aquamarine: And what's that? Hailey: It's the closest thing we have to magic." The closest to magic huh? I agree completely Hailey. Now overcome your fear of the water and tell Aqua you love her so that her crazy dad doesn't take her away from her true love Raymond! Okay, I'll calm down.

Seriously though people love is something to think about, everyday. It is something we have been very blessed with on this earth. Thank those around you for the love the give you. Even if it's weird. Oh and tell your mom you love her too. She's the best. But David shout out to you, Thank you for teaching me how to love again. I hope you know I want to marry you someday. I love you.