November 04, 2010


You know that feeling where what you just experienced you will remember forever and/or it will have/play a big part in your life? Well I have had such an experience ladies and gentlemen. I have more purpose to my life. I know that what I do makes a difference but I still want to live just long enough to make a difference in just that one person's life. That could keep them from making a decision so small as to either a ham or turkey sandwich or something as big as not committing suicide that day. I want to know about it. I want my life to mean something not just to me but to other people. I want to stop being so nagging to everyone. I want to be happy. And I am going to be. I choose to be happy. My crazy choir teacher always gives us students crap because we never have any expressions cause we are all high school students and don't give a poop about anything/anyone but ourselves. We are all very selfish. But anyway she gives us crap about that and she asks us how we go throughout our day like that? How do we live like that she asks us. And to tell you the truth I have no idea. People are so "chill" sometimes that they don't understand that their definition of being "chill" has turned out to be them actually not caring..AT ALL. They go through life and think that what they contribute or don't contribute is "good enough". Well its not. If everyone had that mentality the world would suck to live in. There would be no fun and everyone would be high off of some kind of retarded drug. I'm glad for bubbly happy people (most of the time). I am glad for the movie Stranger Than Fiction. Will Farrell does a great job in that movie. I am grateful for Bavarian sugar cookies.