October 05, 2011

Inanimate Objects.

It's getting colder! Oh my, it is wonderful! Well I chopped off my hair recently, and when I say chopped I mean chopped 17 inches I gave away to locks of love. It was a really good feeling at first I was a bit shocked after growing that out for two whole years I felt like I was cutting a piece of me off...but then I was thinking, no its not. Its just dead cells on my head that will grow back cause my hair is a beast. Huge and thick. Won't curl. Won't straighten completely without being all statiticy the rest of the day. Its ok though, cause I do love my hair.
Isn't that weird how we human's get attached to things that..really in the whole scheme of things mean absolutely nothing. The things I am attached to I have shared a bond with, either because they represent something or someone. Like my record player for instance, I love that thing so much because first of all its a record player! so legit. and second it belonged to a wonderful women who meant a lot to me, my grandmother. Also it originally went to my brother who I also love and admire so there are two people tied into an inanimate object. My bed is next, I absoultely love my bed. I love the creeks it makes when I crawl in and out of it. I love the comforter I have on it that hasn't just kept me warm but has given me hope and comfort in times when I needed it. My room. For all the things I have gone through in it. Sneaking out, (not the best but kids will be kids), freaking out in it, cause of something someone said/did. My snowboard. Its a symbol of the one thing in life I love with all my heart. Everything about snowboarding is just perfect. Some of my clothes. There are those shirts that you would wear everyday cause the guy you liked told you that was his favorite or you just got a lot of compliments the day you wore it. The pants that make you butt look just right. A stuffed animal that reminds you of old times. I have a lot of those (don't judge you know you do too, and you can't bring yourself to get rid of them). All the memorabilia that I have collected over my years of life. which hang on my wall and remind me of good times. My house. Things have happened here that I will never forget. My grandma's house. She use to call it Conci. Cause it was a condominian and she would refer to it as her conscience, after her wonderful husband passed away. So many great times were spent in ol' Conci. Something you create, especially if you are very proud of it. Like a project for school or just something you drew or made up and was very proud of. You feel very attached to them and would only give them to people who meant a lot to you, or the person you made it for. They may never understand how much it meant to you but you will.
All these things are just inanimate objects and will eventually not be there anymore and yet...sometimes they are the things that keep me going. Why is that? Why do we put so much into them? You know. I really have no idea. I don't think it matters. We do it..and always will. Maybe that will be something I ask when I die. (I need to make a list of that). But I am glad we have them. Very glad. I think they are there to remind us of the memories we make with them. Cause when we die, we are taken nothing with us except our knowledge. So why not refresh it every once and a while.
So thanks inanimate objects that help me get through life. Your the best.