July 28, 2013

Calling David James.

It's weird how you can feel fine one day and then the next have your whole world change. Things are never going to be the same for me. Weather things turn out the way I think they will or not. My beloved David and I are no more. As much as I love that man, and still do, I know that this is what is right.

Time. It is the most painful thing in the world at times. It is also the best healing mechanism we humans have. I mean we can't mend a broken arm like they do in Harry Potter. In those movies you still can't bring back the dead. That one I'm afraid has always and will always be permanent. Same with a broken hearts. These are things even humans can't see with their own eyes. We are blinded to how these things really truly work. That is why we cannot fix them, and probably never will. It is comforting at times to know that you aren't the only person who has gone through things like this. I know that for me, I have heard everyone's story about how they knew someone or they themselves went through a broken engagement, and they offered their remedies to this heart wrenching experience such as: chick-flics, ice cream, costa vida binge, working all the time, being busy, and many more. In my experience I kinda had all of these. I am still going through it. I just can't seem to stop myself, but think about him all the time. I guess that's what happens when you are in love. I was talking to my brother about it, and he and I decided that love freaking sucks. A lot.

Back to time and the oddness of it all. I know that things can only get better from where I am. Because really guys? I have hit my rock bottom. But, my brother came home early to be with me and I have my sister. I know that they love me very much and that is all I need right now. I miss my David with all my heart and body, and soul. But I also trust that my life is mapped out, and if this is a part of it, then so be it! Allonz-y baby!!

I do, however, love you David Shannon/Science. And I know that you are still in love with me too. Things will work out. No matter what. If you're reading this, know that I am still here. I know that I am already starting to heal. I also know that things can go either way at this point.

But there is absolutely no pressure, cause that was our destruction last time.

I am getting happier. 

July 20, 2013

Bo Bo Repercussions

You guys ever look back on your life and say to yourself..."when did all this happen?" How did I have time for all of these things. I know that for me, that question is asked way more frequently than it should be. I think looking back on things that I have gone through/done, I have had a pretty good life. I know that I am pretty okay with how it is turning out. I know that I still have some pretty good demons on my heels at all times, but I am also surrounded by many angels. The only problem I have come across recently is my war between the demons and angels. I know that I am going to be able to come out on top if I stay close to what I know to be true, but those demons know you so well, and the weakness's you have. For me, a weakness they have been hounding me on is my dear brother. Coming to grips with it all has taken me a long time, and I don't think I am still there yet nor do I think I will be there any time soon. That in itself scares the freaking crap out of me. Maybe someday I'll actually go crazy and not have to deal with all these petty human problems. At this moment, going crazy looks pretty great. But alas, I have so many obligations such as getting married to the love of my life, being a daughter, sister, friend, and sometimes enemy. (yes, you must fill the enemy roll sometimes too.)

Talking about Bo on here helps me somehow. So! The things I'm feeling...are like stars I can't fathom into constellations. (I love John Green) I know that I am happy. Mostly because of my fiancĂ©. But I also know that I struggle with many things and I am afraid to put that on him. I know that we have talked about it, but sometimes I am not the best at communicating what I feel, we didn't do that communicating thing in my family very much, so I struggle with it. But, he doesn't so that is another why I am marrying this great guy. Another thing I have done so much is being fake happy, and it is starting to become a norm for me. It makes me feel distant and disconnected to all those around me. I know that this nothing I can do about it either. I miss being connected to all the people around me. Feeling a connection with all those I come in contact with. The older I get the worse I am about that. I struggle to connect with people now, to get to the core of a person. When in years passed I have been able to do that in about a week. When my brother passed away...lots of things happened, externally and internally. I am still struggling with both. I almost call Bo sometimes, and I dream about him often. I know that this is only natural. I mean he was my brother, but then I see his wife (bless her, I love her to death) I see her with the boys that she dates...and it is just the weirdest sight in the world to me. I once about had a break down in church, because I sat behind them and they were...just acting like a normal couple would. I think it was a combination of missing my fiancĂ© and my brother who should've been there next to her. I about lost it..I, once again, had so many feelings pumping through my body that I didn't know what to think. (Those darn feelings keep messing with my flipping head) One problem I face this summer is working at a place that we worked last year together right before he left. I look back on those times and I am more than grateful for that summer I had with my brother. 

I know that my life isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, I am so very grateful for everyday I have had with the people/angels in my life. But I also know that struggling with anything guys, can be harder than we can imagine. I don't think I will ever be able to come to grips with Bo Bo. But sometimes I know that everything's going to be okay. I just hope that Bo is watching us, and is learning things for himself, because I know I am here. I miss him though.