March 29, 2012

Life is Precious

Hello. Yet again my life has been changed. I have been feeling under the weather recently but you wouldn't know that from how I come off cause I keep cool and composed, and I have always remained like this ever since I can remember. I know that things for me have been easy, but everything is relative. I know that I have been blessed and that I have more things than some people dream of. But really? I mean sometimes life just throws big wads of crap right at your face and you are forced to just take it.
Today I learned of a suicide in neighboring town, I first heard about this death from my mom because they had called her in search of a picture I guess we had taken of him a few days before he died. Then I found out an hour later that it was a friend of our family. He was my little sister's first crush and I had talked to him and his older brother so many times. He was a good friend I had thought, and a good, happy boy. But I guess things aren't what they seem. And what an awful way to find these things out. This was a huge disgusting piece of crap that was flung at me square in the face. I had been reading this book called Thirteen Reasons Why, It's about this girl named Hannah who kills herself and send thirteen tapes to the people who helped her get to the point of killing herself, and now as I read I think to many kids does this happen to? What do they do about it? How do they cope with their pain? And the most important question I should ask is what can I do about it? I know that I shouldn't blame myself or anyone else for a death. They choose in the end. But people rely on other people too much. From Facebook, to reading magazines, to movies, TV shows, just immersing ourselves in other people's reality's that we forget to look around at all the is going on around us. All that we can do.
Daniel was a great kid. From what I knew of his parents and home life I would say it was just like mine, and knowing that really scares me. Knowing that a kid in the same predicament as me could actually be capable of taking his own life...But what if he wasn't and no one knew about it? What if he didn't open up to anyone and felt completely alone having the horrible things in life just stick out in his mind and have him forget all the good things that I'm sure were there cause I had seen them with my own eyes. What do you do then? How do you fix something like this?
In my religion I know without a doubt in my mind that I am going to see everyone who dies again. I know it. I know that when I die that I will see my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and my Grandparents, and their grandparents, and My friend. I know this. But how do I know that all of his loved ones do? How do you comfort them?
Life...its something precious. I know he knew that. And sometimes bad things happen. But from what I know about that it goes on. No matter how much you think you can't go on there is always someone that will help you.

I will never forget that.

Remember, to the world you may be just one person, but to just one person you may be the world.