September 27, 2010

I'm Back...ish.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen I have been very very much a slacker lately. I have not written in..a while. And here is my theories from now on. I did this blog mainly cause it was therapeutic to write and get out all that I was feeling and to the lucky few that I actually told about it they would read and understand where I'm coming from a little bit more then any other Tom, Dick and Harry. So since I haven't been writing lately is because I don't need to much therapy so I am deciding right now that you are my therapy blog. I still want to call you just long enough, cause it is a sick name, but also because I still have the same ideals about life in general I still want to live just long enough to make difference. Just now I won't write about it everyday..unless I have a major crisis and I totally thinking about making this anonymous. In fact I think I might..but yeah anyway, I have took the stupid plunge and am going to homecoming with Richard. A boy that I have known FOREVER! and has also liked me FOREVER, so I figured I would go with him, he is a sweetheart, and it is going to be alot of fun especially since we are going with a fun group! So that is the most recent/big news. My dress is blue and flowy. (I made sure it was flowy so that I don't look too fat. Great right?) But you know that feeling that you are going to make someone else jealous? Haha well I feel that way..only sometimes though, I think I genuinely want to go, but it is going to be a lot of fun to look hott in front of a certain someone. You know you all have done it, wanted to make someone jealous, even if it has been...4 weeks. But I really am ok now when I think about him I don't get that stupid feeling in the pit of my stomach. I use to get that all the time anytime I would even think about it. and It freakin sucks. Now though, it doesn't matter cause I am OVER IT! A wise women once told me to put the word "next" on my mirror the day Nicklas broke up with me I put it right up there, and it has defiantly given me strength. Well keep it up people. Stay strong. Heck stay alive, and you'll be doing great. Till next time.

September 22, 2010

Good Girls.

It rained all day today. It was marvelous. Today was a great day. It rained the perfect amount and lunch was good today, I went this a boy named Andrew and he makes me laugh..but then again most things do. Its good I think. Life is better when you laugh I think. I love people who are funny. They make my days. People who laugh are worth getting to know. (Unless they are dumb and make it a phoney laugh, cause those people suck.) But anyway I got to go to church tonight and I really like being able to just sit there and talk with the girls. They really are wonderful. Ok I am pooped. I am sorry. Tomorrow's will be better. Till Tomorrow.

September 21, 2010

This is a confusing post. If you understand...Contact me.

Well hello, Today I was thinking of a good thing to blog about and I am going to talk about it today, So you know how on people's facebook/myspace/twitter etc. on their "about me" sections they list about themselves (Obviously). And you can pick out what kind of a person they are by that one section. (Pretty much there are always exceptions though). I think that people who describe themselves as "different" "individual", that it is bull. Everyone has friends...and usually your friends are like yourself. That is why you are friends with them. I have noticed that people who are different are the quiet ones..who no one knows cause they don't talk. That is why they are different, but still there are a lot of "quiet people" so there are still a group of those! The catch is..even though they say they are "Different" "Special" "An Individual" they all have something in common the fact that we cling onto things/people/places etc. whether it be their mother, their best friend, their cat, or just seeing a that one person each day. We all need to be loved. Its a human need not want, need. So that is why we are all the same..deep down, some are deeper then others. But still we all want love. And seriously? Who wouldn't its the best! The individuality part comes right underneath the surface of a person. What they like, what they dislike, their favorite of things, stuff like that. Also the way we express what is right underneath the surface is our differences. And we cling onto to the people that share those interests. I feel a little bit confused...ha! If you can understand this post then I think we need to meet. Cause you need to help me sort out my life, there are just too many things for me to think about! and I need to sort out my priorities. But I hope you do understand what I am trying to say. Till tomorrow.

September 20, 2010

Bloody Noses.

I love my family. They all are just so funny it makes my life. My dad has got the funniest humor ever...when he is happy. When we all get together my mom and the rest of us are so loud that my dad usually doesn't have to say anything but when he does decide to talk it is so funny, and we all just die laughing. All us kids have some kind of traits from both of our parents and some of us clash with either our mom or dad. Ashley, My little sister definitely is more like my mom. She even looks like her. Its crazy. My brother Joe is just like my father. They both have this weird love for plants and things like that. My other brother Tanner is like my mom and dad...he's lazy like my mom and brilliant like my dad. But he has my mom good traits too. The fact that he can be patient..(sometimes) that is like my mom. I am like my dad alot..I like plant thingys..kinda. But I act like my mom sometimes, and it blows my mind. And I hate it. But anyway, tonight my brother Joe came over and we played games, well they played games and I watched it was only a 4 player game..and I didn't really feel like playing but I had to watch. Cause its "family night". But its ok cause these nights are great. I read this quote once it said, " The family is a haven in a heartless world" I love quotes. They can explain my life when nothing else can...except music. There are so many quotes in the world that I could say and it would be perfect! Well today was a normal day..the only adventure I had was a bloody nose during lunch! I was just sitting there in the car with my friend, Miranda and she was just about to hand me my half price creamslush (Which I love!) and you know that feeling that something wet and watery is coming out of your nose and you know that blood is coming out of your nose so you rapidly throw your head back thinking that would stop the blood coming out of your nose but then it runs down your throat? Well that happened today. It was a wonderful experience. Which reminds me of another bloody nose story. And I am going to enlighten you with it:
It was one of the original family outings with the whole family in the car going..somewhere, I was sitting in one of the middle seats and Tanner was sitting in the back sleeping with his head facing up and his mouth wide open (you see where this is going) well yep! He got a bloody nose and he shot out a bunch of blood onto my neck! Well that didn't go over too well with me so we had a great little talk about sleeping with your mouth open. But anyway that is my adventure for the day, I got the blood on my shirt but my friend Miranda was a great friend and took me to her house and let me borrow a shirt. Thank goodness for nice people. Till tomorrow.

September 19, 2010

Stupid Dream.

You know that icky feeling you get when you have had a fever and then it breaks and since you were so cold before you had put on all the blankets and such so your sitting there sweating profusely and you are so freaking tired that you don't want to take off the blankets so you just try and get some rest, but your so hot that you can't do anything so eventually you get up enough strength to take the blankets off, or you just had to go to the bathroom. Well I hate that feeling. And it hasn't happened to me in a while, and I have no idea why I brought it up but I just hate it. And I wanted to make you think about how happy you are that is not happening to you right now. And if it is...I'm really sorry. That sucks.

Ok, onto a more happier note, I got to go Utah, My haven, this weekend and I absolutely loved it. It gives me hope to go on with my life when I go there. But also there are things there that discourage me..but isn't that how it is everywhere? but lets not dwindle on the bad but let us focus on the GOOD! So, I got to hang out with David, Bryan and My brother Tanner. They all live up in Idaho but came down for the weekend to hang with me. And it was a blast. They are probably the funniest, coolest, most legit people I know. And I needed to hang out with them this weekend. They were just what I needed. I am not fully ready yet, but I am getting close.
Ok, so I have a story, my mom and I were talking about it on the way home tonight actually. So you know when you have those dreams that seem so real at the time and even when you wake up it takes you a couple hours to get back into the mode you were in when you went to bed? Well, I had one of those dreams, now mind you it was a wonderful dream, but it was something that really did NOT needed to be brought up at this time. It was actually last night that this magnificent dream happened. I dreamed that I was back with my ex, and I was probably the happiest I had been in a looong time. But when I woke up I was thinking to myself how lucky I was to be with someone like Nicklas and if he would call today or if I should call him and leave him a cute voicemail and all this freakin crap! It wasn't until I was in the shower and I realized oh...ohh...ohhh my gosh! (not singing the song). And I just sat there for a minute first of all thinking how mean that was for my brain to do that to me. Second of all I was thinking I am happy now, there really is no need for me to be sad about something in the past. There is a part in Kung Fu Panda when the turtle (whom I love!). Says, "Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but todaaaaay is a gift. That is why its is called the present." I love that quote because it is oh so very true. While my mom and I were in Utah we went shopping at this really cool village thing and found another quote there by Abraham Lincoln (Good ole' Abe), it was on a little plaque thing and my mom bought it for me but it says "I will prepare myself and someday my time will come." Such wisdom in that man. We all need to just prepare..that is what we do all our lives anyway. and either we take our shot or we miss it. So be prepared guys lets make our difference! Till tomorrow

By the way I know I missed but I figured I can miss two every three months. Sound fair? oaky doaky!

September 16, 2010


Oh goodness, So I missed yesterday on account my mother and I was driving to Utah and didn't get in till 12:30 and I figured it was already the next day anyway and thought I would write two today. One in the morning and one in the afternoon, seeing as there will probably be two different stories anyway. Well yesterday I went to school as usual, it was a typical day. Everyone is getting antsy about homecoming though. So what is it about homecoming? Well, homecoming is the dance where either you are still with your summer fling person and want to go with them, but in this case its not going to be that because ours is so late this year. So its going to be the people you have classes with. The people that you kinda knew before and now see everyday and want to spend more time around. But with me that is not the case seeing as I am about as silent as the gave in almost all my classes but I do have people to talk with so its good. But its not the kinda of people I would hang out with outside of school. I have been starting to and I don't know how I feel about that. I like the fact that I have friends to talk to in class but I would like some outside of school. So homecoming this year is going to be me, the family, some food and the TV! woohoo! Party! I do love staying home on nights when I could be having a blast with some friends but then that might consist of not being sober in some form or another. And that is not acceptable. We will see what happens. I think I have an option but I still am Iffy about it. Till later today. Ha!

September 14, 2010


Today was a good day. Games were fun. My friend Miranda is crazy. I watched my friend Jordie for the first time in a soccer game today, She and I have been friends since kindergarden and she has wanted me to go to her games since she started playing in like 5th grade and now we are juniors, man where did the time go? Next year we are SENIORS! I cannot wait. But till then I am going to try to get through my high school years. My mom and I had a talk last night and it gave me hope. That high school is going to end some time. Sorry it was short today though but I am extremely sick and need some zzz's. Till Tomorrow.

September 13, 2010

Movies ...To be continued.

Inconcievable! I absolutly love this movie. The princess bride is a classic. Another thing that I love with a passion is movies. My family and I are addicted to movies seeing as we have no cable and never have my whole childhood, we always watched movies. We have to biggest movie collection ever. I think that made some of my childhood better. To remember things I will watch a certain movie. With my brothers and sister and laugh and laugh remembering things about it. Or be sad depending on the movie. Movies to me are sometimes an escape from the pardiciment I am in at the time. When I am feeling kinda..down about a relationship problem I watch Gilmore Girls. When I am sad I watch either Moulin Rouge, Elizabethtown, or Mr Magoriums Wonder Emproium. Mr Magorium's is my favorite though. It just makes me happy. That man I would really love to meet. If everyone in the world could be like Mr Magorium, the world would be magical. Literally. I had a good day though today. Hope you guys had a good day too! Till tomorrow.

September 12, 2010


I love sundays. So much. My family is always so happy. Today my mother did the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. So it was my brother, Joe's birthday dinner today. And my dad wanted us all to go outside so we were all outside feeling the fresh air instead of all of us on our computers inside (we each have one and three of us have two!) anyway we were all standing outside and my mom jumps on my brother's back and rips the biggest fart I have ever heard in my life. We all started to just about die we were laughing so hard. Oh my goodness it just about made my day. Yet again, I think that would only happen if it was sunday. I love them. I would marry them cause they are so chill. Today I learned alot of things. One my family means more to me than anything. Two, I don't know who I am going to hang out with the rest of this school year, seeing as my austrian sister Nathi, left and that is who I was stuck too for 7 months so therefore I alienated myself from all my friends and now that Nathi is gone I find myself at home a lot more then I would like. and Three, I really like sleeping. Which I am going to do as soon as I posted my daily wisdom. This one's short but nonetheless still full of important insight into the life of Chelsea Sara Applegate. Tune in next time. When she tries to go to high school tomorrow! *Ahhhh!*

September 11, 2010


Yet again, I hung out with my ex Nicklas. It was really fun though. It felt really good being friends. We went to a party of a friend of ours we had during the our summer job together. There were very strange people there though, but it was fun to listen/watch them. Awkward people are...funny to me. I don't know how they do it sometimes. But today was a very busy day actually. I woke up at 9! (which is ridiculous. seeing as it is saturday) and went to a craft party with my mom and little sister. It was a party for my mom and her old lady friends. I know my life is too thrilling sometimes huh? It wasn't too bad though. When I grow to be my mother's age I will probably be doing some of the same things. I really hope that I will be doing cooler "crafts" though. Following the exciting craft party I got home and started to make a video for my austrian sister who stayed with us for about 7 months last year. But didn't get very far on that before Nate called me and we went and ate applebee's. It was bueno! Then I came home and went to a photoshoot with my mom and we took pictures of some friends of ours. Procceeding to the party! (an actual party). Which then proceeded to them playing capture the flag..which I am not capable of at this moment, with the whole longboard wreck leaving me injured and unable to run with actual speed and not be in pain. So now I am home at 9:00 on a saturday night. I kinda feel like a loser but then I realize that I can go to bed any time I want! and that thought gives me much joy. It was a good night though over all. I am happy I went. Hope you all had a fabulous night too.

September 10, 2010

Quiet people

Well, Today is a friday! Always a plus in my books. I am sitting in my school waiting for my sister in the library and its about 15 minutes before school gets out and I hear the fire alarm go off. I get up, leave all my stuff thinking ok, I'll be back. And follow the massive crowd or immature little freshmen and the too cool for school seniors who are here because they couldn't get all their credits in the first three years of high school, and I just stood there looking around outside at all the groups. People usually don't expand thier friendships, unless they are forced in a room with them and want to talk to someone. And in some cases they would rather sit there in silence then talk. But shy people are usually the most fun. (either that or annoying as heck!) Every quiet person I have talked to though says they are quiet because there is nothing they want to say. And it sounds perfectly reasonable. So I was thinking to myself why are people outgoing then? Well they just don't like the silence. and can't handle it. Or because they actually want to get to know the person they are trying to talk to. Quiet people are a mystery for sure. (Sorry I missed a day. But I did start this blog yesterday so I think it should count.) Have a good day. And remember to smile cause people are more likely to talk/like you if you are happy looking.

September 09, 2010


So last night I went longboarding with a friend, Nate. He is probably the funniest person I have ever met. And I mean that. I had been thinking about it. But anyway. On the first run down the "hill" thing (sounds like we're snowboarding or something..), I wrecked..falling on my right leg then doing a shoulder roll, that's when the volleyball skills took over, Kinda. I hit my head pretty hard..and I think I got a concusion..but Its cool, I think I have gotten so many concusion my brain automatically knows what to do...just sit there and take the pain for as long as it decides to stay. But that was my adventure for last night. Todays fun adventure was hobbling around like a cripple trying to get from class to class. Telling everyone different stories, just to spice up the day! But a good thing that I noticed today was that people are relatively nice. They don't always act like it whether it be because they just stepped in gum, or their cat died that day, or they just lost everything in a fire. But I decided the people that are the ones you want to hang around are the ones that make you laugh in those times, give you comfort when you need it (or even when you don't) and hold the door for a girl. That is a deal breaker right there, and today when I was leaving my college class, there was a young man who held the door for 5 girls 3 going in, and 2 going out, none of us were together so we were really spread apart. But he just waited till we got to the door (which is kinda awkward sometimes you know?) but still and all 5 of us said thank you, one said it very loud too! But still it gave me hope. It was a good way to end a long and limping day. Until tomorrow then.

September 08, 2010

Rain, and Gentlemen.

So I tried it today, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I found a couple more things to be happy about too. I really do love people who would you put it? Just happy. There is a good friend of mine, he has had lots of health issues in his life, and on top of that he has family issues (don't we all?) but his require more attention then most. And yet every time I talk to this friend he is only interested in my life. I once asked him how he does it...and to tell you the truth I cannot remember what he said. But it was selfless. As usual. But to this day I don't know how he does it. But it amazes me. And I thought I would just share that piece of information with you all, cause I think its inspiring. We all should try to be more selfless...the world would be so much easier to live in.

Anyway, I decided that I am going to give you guys little tid bits of things that happen to me daily and not really lecture..ha. Cause I feel like I have been doing that a lot lately, and I would like to stop this. So today a couple things that happened were it rained. I woke up to it, and I think it just kind of makes my day..more comfortable. Cause I quickly, (after knowing it was raining) threw my sisters "Wicked" sweatshirt, some jeans, and my green vans on and threw my hair up. These are the days I live for. The ones I can be a fat as I want and no one will know the difference! It's wonderful to be fat. Another thing that happened to me today that usually never happens is I went to lunch with a boy that had been looking forward to it since he suggested once that we should go (which was about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I had been previously seeing someone...even though it was just a friend thing. He's a sweetheart but it would never happen...). Anyway he emailed me last night on facebook (of course on facebook, where everything happens for me when you don't have texting...gooodness..) and said he was sick of waiting and wanted to go so I said lets go tomorrow! and he didn't sound to excited but I guess I wouldn't be able to tell seeing as I couldn't hear/see him. But he had cleaned out his car, ordered the food last night, and had too sprites in the back (chilled too!) waiting for us. When I saw all these things he had done I was amazed! He didn't even know how amazing it was, and I guess I never really realized that guys should treat girls like this. Even if you don't like them! I asked him if he had been looking forward to it, and he replied "Oh I hoped for it." (Which that line is totally from Walk to Remember!! With Mandy Moore, and Shane West) but I couldn't believe it. It was very comforting to know that I am special enough for that kind of treatment. So over all a good day. Hope yours was too! And if not, make it NOW!

September 07, 2010

Aw, High School

I have now just rewritten this blog three times.
Brain Fart.
(I love that saying...)

I cannot narrow it down! Bahaha! Ok, Today I went to school. It wasn't a spectacular day or anything. Just another day at school. You never really realize while your at school, to like it. I think we all just say to ourselves that we have to be here so lets just be a grouch for the day. I am determined to change that! This week, that is my goal. My mother always use to tell me to find the good in high school (but prior to these words of wisdom she would say that she felt she was dropping me off at HELL, I then in my quiet, calm voice told her YES, YOU ARE!) But nevertheless I did try to find the good in going to high school. And here are some things I found that might give you guys hope. 1) Definitely, you have FRIENDS, the reason most of us get up in the morning. 2) If and only if you have a significant other, even if this SO (significant other) doesn't know their your SO, that is what you get up for. 3) Some of us actually go to learn. Now it might not be all your classes but even that one that you love. For me its either Psychology (college class!) or Choir, but you all know what I'm talking about. 4) The feeling of accomplishment. My friend, Nick, would do anything I think to get a feeling of accomplishment (well almost anything, he's still a lazy teenager at heart also), but just knowing that you didn't sit at home all day going crazy to the point where you might just call that person that wants to hang out, but their so annoying that you can't stand them! Come on, you have all done it one Saturday or another. But that is my good thoughts about high school. So look for the good in high school guys. Or help someone else to find it. The thing about high school is that we all need each other to survive. You know in "Mean Girls", with Lindsey Lohan, when she talks about how its like a jungle in girl world? Well I think that is how it is, period. We all need each other to keep the circle alive. Its kinda like the circle of life. The lions are...either the girl that you can't hate/talk about cause they will make your life...poop if you start anything. and the mosquitoes are like the people that no one can stand except their friends (and those are just more mosquitoes) and then there are the normal people. At least to you. To someone else you could be the lion, or mosquitoes. Think about it. Next time you are acting like a mosquito or lion. Stop and think about what you are about to do. And put yourself in their shoes. . .

September 06, 2010

Bowling. . .Meh.

Today I went bowling...not a good idea. For one, because I went with my recent ex. Always so stupid I am with the relationships..and the after things too. For two, because I suck at it. But I did pretty good tonight actually. But I am being pretty stupid. My friend Jordie told me and everything. But I feel like I can stay away from him now. (kinda) Not cause I am mad or hate him or something but because I kinda don't like his "humor". He is one of those high school boys who flirt by kicking you, pinching you etc. I guess I am just sick of being beat up as a gesture of being liked. Is it too much to ask to have them tell you a nice compliment, you have to pratically beat compliments out of them. I am pooped out of these boys. But my ex really isn't that bad of a dude. He's pretty cool actually. Ha, actually I think I still like him..told you I was bad at relationships poop. My dad just told me that I am getting more mature. I feel better..I just want to focus on my grades (my horrific grades). Anyway a thing I did today to make a difference in the world is..tried to take life easy. Not rush through things. You never get it done right if you do that anyway. So if anyone ever reads this I hope you can take things easy. Look around when your in the car driving somewhere look beyond what you look at every day. Its amazing what you see. I love when you see something that you have never noticed before (like you actually read the name of a store and realize that it could have come in handy in your life before that point in time). So that is my difference for today. Tomorrow is another day. Another attempt to make a difference. Hope it works. Goodnight all.

September 05, 2010

Sunday blog.

You know how you get on a high of something, not a drug, but a task that you feel you should do. Well I just recently watch Julie and Julia (liked it by the way) and I decided that I want to start a Blog even if no one reads it, it just feels great to be able to get out the things that I want to say to the world. Well The blog is called Just Long Enough because I want to live just long enough to make a dramatic difference in the world. Now I'm not going to get bit by a radioactive spider or shave my head and sell my hair on ebay (not that would matter, coming from me). But just so that when I die, people will miss me. Someone has to whether it be my parents or the dude I pass by at school who talks to himself and I kinda chuckle at. I hope it is someone. But I will blog everyday for the next year. About..what I am doing to make a difference. On the way I hope you guys learn a little about me, my passions, my dislikes, my habits, and my life. So Here we go..

Well, today we went to church and my brother left for college (again, 2nd time). My mom went with him to help him get settled and everything (in my opinion Tanner, my brother, just wanted her money). But you know how when someone says something..epic, I guess is how you would put it, and someone says "Oh, I'm blogging that", or "That's a Facebook status right there!" Well I am hoping to becoming as those people are. But let me tell you guys a little bit about myself so that you can get a gist (where did that word come from?) of me and the way I work. I have parental units. They are happily married and happily giving me grief all the time, but you got to love them. I have two older brothers. One who is marrying my friend. (Joe) and one who I mentioned earlier (Tanner). I have a smaller sister tambien, she is now in high school. You will learn more about these people throughout the year seeing as I spend the most time with them. I go to high school. I do not see the point in going to the place...but what are you going to do? I have one college class that I absolutely love going to. Psychology. (Just to give you a hint on how stupid high schoolers are, or at least some of them this girl, who everybodys knows is just stupid. Came up to me and asked me if I had a college class I replied yes I do. She answered saying that she did as well and is starting sociology soon. and then I told her my class was psychology. and she said oh yeah that's what I'm taking...That's the one that starts with a "P" right? I just stared at her..and after a while said yes. that is the one with a "P".) See high schoolers. Just about kill me. but lets see how this blog goes. . .Here goes nothing!