August 22, 2012


I just finished reading Perks of Being a Wallflower.

And I have to say that it taught me many things. One is that I need to be in the moments that I create. I need to not think of the future so much, and especially not my past. It's hard to have a real life if all you do is live in the past. Just like Timon and Pumba said, "You gotta put your past behind you." and "Hakuna Matata" But I was feeling weird after I read the book cause I imagined all my past relationships and I wondered if they thought about things like I do. Sometimes I imagine that I am just this lonely girl who is very pathetic and just thinks. When I hung out with my friend he always use to say that I thought way to much, and it use to bug me that he said that..but I think about it (Ironic) and I know that I do but that it's just the way I am. I have always been that way, I don't necessarily think about what people think about me, but just in general and in this book the main character does that all the time! And in the end the girl he has loved the whole time told him that he needs to start taking control and do what he wants. So he kisses her. It was very sweet and nice.

Like I was saying though, I felt very sentimental tonight I know that I am leaving in a few short weeks and I was beginning to think about all the times I have had here in this town. All the people that have affected my life. I know it is kinda creepy but I went to a couple of their houses just to look and enjoy. I went to a couple ex's. I loved being able to just sit and think. I like slowing down. I enjoy what it does to your body. I am a very rushed person in general. I do my best work when I do that sometimes. But in this case I went to man's house who I still to this day am not completely sure about. You your first "love" well, he wasn't a love I feel like he is just there. I know that he always will be and that is what eats at me the most I think. I know that he loves me too..but it is so stinking complicated that I just rid myself of it completely. I hope someday that he and I could be what we were before we became what had hoped for..forever. But I do love him and I loved being with the guy.

Anyway what this post mostly is about is that of time. I know it is one of the hardest thing to understand. But I hope that all of us realize how fragile it is. Whether you think it be fast or even deathly slow, it is always going no matter what. It is the one that that you know will go the same speed will always be moving and will always be there. Use it wisely. Seriously. It is one of the most taken for granted things on this earth as well. I am going to now try to use it no matter what, even if it's just lying around, sometimes you need that. But only sometimes you be the judge of your time. And I hope you realize the potential that you have. I wish everyone would realize that. It would make the world so much more productive and it would be nice to live here.

To quote the words of Ferris: "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once and a while you might miss it."