January 28, 2014


I have had an epiphany today people. So background: I have been having a spell of hard times and haven't been sure what to say on here, because frankly, I was very sick of being negative. SO! I have been thinking about this crapness in my life for a while and you know what?! There are so many dang wonderful things in this world people! What are they for me? Well, here we go...

...People. My family, friends, guys I like, coworkers, bosses, other students, teachers, Prophets, random people you see do cleverly wonderful things. As of late some examples of these people are my brother and sister, Jordan, David, David, David, Laken, my mom, my dad, Mallorie, Jordan, President Baron, Stephen, cute couples, President Hinkley, Rimo, Sophia Rusted, Kristina, Summer, every single girl in my Relief Society, Stephanie, Ben, Brittnay, and Charly, babies, people who sing/juggle around campus, Melissa and her blog, my biostats group, Jeff, Paige, Claire, Taylor. I could literally go on forever. Some of these people don't always make me the happiest, but tell you the truth, I also don't think I have ever felt more joy than when I am accompanied by these fantastic individuals.

So you may ask Chelsea why do you always ramble about things like this? Do they even matter? Well, the answer to that question is that they are all that matters. Life is about losing yourself in the work of the Lord, and what does that mean? It means you serve. Always, and willingly. I think that true happiness we, as humans yearn for is that of charity to our fellow men. I was actually talking to Jordan about this and we discussed that charity, true charity mind you, is very rare and far apart. It is something that you see in few people. I agree with our conversation, but after pondering it I have come to a conclusion that I see it more often then I think. Now true charity is something that very few people actually attain as an attribute in their everyday lives, but I have seen charity in every single one of those people I have listed, and many more people I have come in contact with. This is what makes the world literally go round.

If we are able to harness the act of service in our lives, we will feel this joy, this unexplainable, unfathomable, happiness that awaits us as go through this life. It is there, waiting for you. Seek it out. Ask for help to find it. I know that I have sucked at this for the past year. I have been very selfish and self absorbing. I know that if I am to do this, I will feel the joy I do today every day of my life.

Thank you to every person I have come in contact with so far in my life. Seriously. You guys all have so many gifts. So many attributes given to you by someone who loves you more then you could ever deem possible. I know I need to remember this as well.