February 02, 2014


Having church at 1 pm is sometimes hard on me I don't know what to do with myself in the morning, I went to bed so dang early last night. We went boarding yesterday, and can I just go on a tangent real quick? I think my love for snowboarding has been waining, only because I'm getting older and it is so much money, that I do not posses, but I do still love it, and if I had the guts of the pro's I would be right there with them. But if I showed up at Judgment Day and told my Savior that my biggest accomplishment was a gold medal in snowboarding I would feel a bit silly. So I think I will stick with what I am doing. Maybe for a midlife crisis I'll do that. Good. Check.

So this weekend my dad came to visit me, and my brother and I feel extremely blessed for my dad to drive 10-11 hours just to show his love for his children. We went boarding, hot tubbing, out to eat, and he went to tanner's class with him, it was an extraordinary weekend.

Now going off of that I want to talk about parents, I think we as a child of good parents sometimes take for granted to greatness they have to offer in our lives. I know that for me that is a very true statement. My teenage years I wasn't the nicest to my parents, and I definitely didn't show them the respect they deserve. I would just like to take a minute and thank all good parents out there. You are doing a lot better than you think you are. Now to my parents:

To my amazing mother who taught me that life isn't easy, but it will be worth it...eventually. You taught me how to laugh at myself and almost everyone else around me, how to love people even when they don't deserve it, how to be patient (I wish I would've learned more of that), the true meaning of family and that it is the only thing that really matters, how to cook, clean, and appreciate those who do it. You taught me to be grateful, for everything.

To the best man I know, my father, you taught me to work, and work hard, to enjoy the fruits of my labor, to love the Gospel, how to be excited about things. Dad, you were the one that actually taught me the most about myself, you noticed things and mentioned them which in turn made me reflect on my life and the things I had to offer to those around me. You gave me a better perspective on money, that if it matters in the long run, spend it. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." Will always be in my heart and house because of you. You taught me to be service oriented and that that is truly the only thing that matters in this life.

Thank you parents of the world who are good to their kids. Who love them. Because if I had to choose one thing from my parents that I learned, it would be how to love your children unconditionally. So thanks Mom and Dad. I love you both, to the moon and back.