December 08, 2013

My Testimony.

Another thing I wanted to talk about is my love for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This too, has become very prevalent this semester. I know, without any skepticism that the gospel is the only aspect that actually has impact on the rest of my eternity. Keeping this idea, has gotten me through some hard times. I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ, is always there for me. Not just there, but more than willing to help me through any struggle I encounter in my life. And He can do this through the Atonement, where He suffered in Gethsemane and on the cross for me. And with every shred of my soul I want to repay Him for that, not just because He did it for me, but because He did also for Mom, Dad, Ashley, Tanner, Laken, Joe, (especially Joe), my future husband, my future kids and all those people who mean more than the world to me. And the way I am going to attempt to repay my Redeemer is to always try to be the child of God I know I can be. Thomas S. Monson is the prophet of this church, He's the seer and revelatory leader for everyone on this earth. The words he speaks to us are nothing shorter than the very words that Heavenly Father gives us to hear and live by. I also know The Book of Mormon can fill you with the kind of peace anyone and everyone is looking for in their life. The reason for this is because it is the most perfectly accurate book ever written. The Book of Mormon, I know, is the Word of God, and if I truly apprehend all it contains, then I will be able to return to my Father in Heaven and live with Him and my brother, Jesus Christ for the rest of eternity, which would be the truest and greatest gift ever entrusted to me. The gospel of Jesus Christ, is the only thing that matters people. It is the only way we are going to have the fullest and most joyous life we were created to attain.

I hope you all take to heart what your Father in Heaven has done for you. That you realize your potential as a Child of God. You have been given SO much. Why waist it by complaining about what you may not have. Remember you have your Father who, through Him, ALL things are possible. I know this to be true, and I say this in the name of my brother, and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

This Semester..

Good morning. This morning I woke craving to write a post, so here I am! However, I am not going to be writing about things I don't understand. Which right now is boys. So! I am going to write about everything else that is going on in my life.

Thanksgiving was a few weeks ago, I seriously hadn't been so homesick in my entire life. I just missed being with my sissy, and parents. I missed being able to just talk with my dad, hearing his football stories, or how he is trying his hardest to love me. I know he does, and I love him for that. So thanksgiving this year was spent in our home away from home, Utah. It was a great break for me. I knew that part of me was just dreading going back to school, not necessarily the actual being here (even though it dropped down to like -11 and there is a crap ton of snow everywhere) but the school work aspect. My head has been barely above the icy waters of homework this whole semester, but like it or not, I am here, and I am determined to make the best out of this wonderfully ridiculous situation I have gotten myself into with school.

Regardless, I have chosen what I, Chelsea Sara Applegate, will be doing the rest of my life. I will be....wait for it....a landscape designer! Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! I felt like this job is perfect for me. And that more importantly, the hand of the Lord was in choosing it for me. I know that I am going to do great things with this job! I can feel it! I want to minor in Statistics so that I can get a little head start on maybe the business side of the job. This decision, I feel very confident with which is fantastic, because lately my decision making skills have been waining...

I love my roommates this semester too, I felt like I was going to be a bit distant from them all, but I have been kind of with everyone this semester. But I know that Heavenly Father put these girls in my apartment for me too learn what I need to. But the girl I needed most was Laken. I am so blessed to have this girl in my life. I know that I have been a deadbeat roommate, but she has let me rise to the occasions, she knew I needed to. I am sorry I haven't been there as much as I should be Lake, I know that I could have been more selfless in my actions toward you. I love you though, very much.

I hope that those I have hurt this semester will be able to forgive me, for my stupidity. I am trying my hardest to work on myself, just be patient. I'm working I promise.