October 30, 2013

Good Thongs Come to Those Who Wait

 Okay. This post needs to be written, and I have been trying to write it for a good week now. But here we go, my best attempt at trying to explain what is happening in my life.

So. David Shannon is no more, my friends. It is for the best...for both of us. He is a wonderful man and will make someone very happy, but I know that that person is not me. I think sometimes I struggle with that concept, but its only natural. It will fade with time. 

Onto my new adventure. New major, new outlook on life, new attitude. I was starting to feel antsy, like something big was coming. Something in a form that I wasn't going to be able to completely understand. I knew that I was destined for greatness and that I am still destined for such greatness, it just came in a form that I wasn't completely prepared for. But I couldn't be happier with the outcome it has given me. 

Lets start at the beginning, cause its a very good place to start, (I know you are singing that song now). So when I came up to school this last semester, I wasn't completely sure how my life was going to pan out. At all. All I knew was that I still had feelings for David Shannon and I knew they weren't going to be reciprocated in a way that I had hoped but I still clung on to that tiny glimpse I had of a relationship with him. So to make a gigantic story short, I tortured myself everyday with the sight of David, trying my hardest to go out of my way to see him, to just get a glimpse of what I thought was suppose to be my future. Eventually I knew I had to stop this agonizing torture I was putting myself through. I knew that it needed to stop. And as soon as possible. So I started looking at the people around me, realizing that if it were to not work out that I was going to be okay. Anyway to make another freaking long story short. I met David Clifton Hartshorn. And this name ladies and gentlemen you best be getting use to. It'll be around for a very long time. I, ironically met this David in science class as well, we both were friends with a guy named Dakoda so we both sat there, and to make ANOTHER long story short I fell for him. Hard. He and I have had more moments of "yes, this is right" then I have had with anyone, I have ever met. I have never felt more connected to someone then him. I know that he is suppose to be here. No doubt in my mind. Now, reading all my past posts and then writing this makes me seem like one of those girls who will fall for every Tom, Dick and Harry, or in this case every David in my science class. But guys...you don't understand, the way I feel has so much more to it this time, it comes in ways that are impossible to describe with mere words. All I know for sure is that my life isn't going to be the same because of this boy. I'm still a little flabbergasted at my actions and feelings, but I could not be happier, and frankly I don't remember ever being this happy with someone in my entire life. Ever. 

So. That was my best way to explain New David. He is very special to me, and means more to me then...many people in my life. I feel...so many things. But the best way for me to explain what I feel for this boy would be sweet, unconditional, love. 

And I thank my Heavenly Father for people like David Clifton Hartshorn, not even for me meeting him but for his existence on this earth. It gives me hope that there are still people like him who impact people everyday. The world is a better place because he walks the earth. 

I must have been doing something right to be blessed with his love. Thank you David.