Anyway, I decided that I am going to give you guys little tid bits of things that happen to me daily and not really lecture..ha. Cause I feel like I have been doing that a lot lately, and I would like to stop this. So today a couple things that happened were it rained. I woke up to it, and I think it just kind of makes my day..more comfortable. Cause I quickly, (after knowing it was raining) threw my sisters "Wicked" sweatshirt, some jeans, and my green vans on and threw my hair up. These are the days I live for. The ones I can be a fat as I want and no one will know the difference! It's wonderful to be fat. Another thing that happened to me today that usually never happens is I went to lunch with a boy that had been looking forward to it since he suggested once that we should go (which was about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I had been previously seeing someone...even though it was just a friend thing. He's a sweetheart but it would never happen...). Anyway he emailed me last night on facebook (of course on facebook, where everything happens for me when you don't have texting...gooodness..) and said he was sick of waiting and wanted to go so I said lets go tomorrow! and he didn't sound to excited but I guess I wouldn't be able to tell seeing as I couldn't hear/see him. But he had cleaned out his car, ordered the food last night, and had too sprites in the back (chilled too!) waiting for us. When I saw all these things he had done I was amazed! He didn't even know how amazing it was, and I guess I never really realized that guys should treat girls like this. Even if you don't like them! I asked him if he had been looking forward to it, and he replied "Oh I hoped for it." (Which that line is totally from Walk to Remember!! With Mandy Moore, and Shane West) but I couldn't believe it. It was very comforting to know that I am special enough for that kind of treatment. So over all a good day. Hope yours was too! And if not, make it NOW!
September 08, 2010
Rain, and Gentlemen.
So I tried it today, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I found a couple more things to be happy about too. I really do love people who would you put it? Just happy. There is a good friend of mine, he has had lots of health issues in his life, and on top of that he has family issues (don't we all?) but his require more attention then most. And yet every time I talk to this friend he is only interested in my life. I once asked him how he does it...and to tell you the truth I cannot remember what he said. But it was selfless. As usual. But to this day I don't know how he does it. But it amazes me. And I thought I would just share that piece of information with you all, cause I think its inspiring. We all should try to be more selfless...the world would be so much easier to live in.